grand parc arboré pour les promenades et la détente en famille
Visite de la ferme pédagogique en famille
bungalow écologique pour accueillir les familles

ICARE Center has a wellness area devoted to patients and their families.

Several hectares of nature in a calm and relaxing environment.

An outdoor adapted playground as well as a mini-farm to awaken the senses and curiosity.

Bungalows will welcome families who wish to stay for the duration of their stay.

ICARE Center will not only be a therapeutic center but also a place for relaxation and family fun.

What better way to relax and have fun than to dive into a pool with clear, pure water? You can swim a few laps or simply relax.
A little break in the sauna? A moment of relaxation that will relax you, reduce muscle fatigue and eliminate toxins and impurities from the body.
Whether you have muscle tension or simply want to relax, enjoy a massage session that will harmonize your body and mind.
To be able to have fun as a family, to swing or slide? Everyone should have access to these pleasures and moments of joy!
Observe the farm animals, pet them... take a break that will bring you joy and relaxation.
Enfant s'amusant dans la piscine du centre
Mère et enfants profitant du sauna du centre
jeune fille atteinte de paralysie cérébrale joyeuse joue dans l'eau du spa avec sa famille
Mère jouant avec son fils atteint de paralysie cérébrale
enfant atteint de paralysie cérébrale, leucomalacie, en kinésithérapie intensive

A team of multidisciplinary therapists will follow each child throughout his or her internship. Adapted Therapies to pathologies as cerebral palsy or autism such as: 

physical therapy (Medek, Bobath, DMI), psychomotricity, speech therapy, hydrotherapy, pet therapy and many others...
